Orders will be shipped 5-7 business days after placing your order. This means I have up to 7 business days (not including holidays and weekends) to pack and ship your order. Once the item has shipped you will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number. It usually takes about 3 to 5 days for it to be delivered. 


If you preorder an item that means it is not yet ready and you agree to wait the amount of time listed on the product at the time of check out. I can not speed up the process it is a preorder for a reason :) 


In the event that your package tracking says it is delivered but has not arrived please wait a couple of days before messaging me! If it never shows up please contact USPS or UPS (whichever was delivering your package) as I no longer have control over the package. 


If your address registers as invalid I will contact you to get the correct address and the order will not be shipped until I get a correct address. If your package gets sent back to me, it is your responsibility to cover the expenses to re-ship your order. 


I do not except returns unless otherwise specified on the listing or I sent the wrong item. Please contact me at kaylanoellecompany@gmail.com and I will try to help you the best I can! :)